Yggdrasil from Old Norse, is an immense mythical tree that connects the nine worlds in Norse cosmology.

Tree as a microcosm
Containing it's own world therein.
The Magic Faraway Tree
Enid Blyton.
I never read it, but over a pipe in Puri, an Aussie salesman told me the story he read in his childhood.

I started building a matchstick house back in 77.
I think the idea had its origins in "the Wizard" comic from the late 50's, early 60's.
It was an "all words" comic but my mum used to read it & some of the stories filtered through.. The story that must have soaked into me was of a tribe of jungle dweller type people who lived in a huge tree.
- a whole clan of them -
I can’t remember what they got up to ( maybe I preferred looking at pictures)
But the concept amazed me.
I carried on building it for thirty years, it still isn't finished and probably won’t ever be.
But I did however show it at the festival of extreme building.
It struck me, what with the scale of the thing that it would have to be at least 300ft high, which struck me as pretty extreme.